Excellent observations! Thx, Terry!
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Are You a Devoutly Religious Person?
by TerryWalstrom inare you a devoutly religious person?.
if, yes--this is for you.______intellectual honesty is a willingness to be wrong when facts and evidence clash with beliefs.lacking neutral objectivity, people can’t really listen!
they defensively filter anything which clashes with belief.
Article - Wales - Daily Post: 'Sly' Anglesey Jehovah's Witness preacher jailed for sex with a child
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/sly-anglesey-jehovahs-witness-preacher-12361109.
dec. 22, 2016 by derek bellis.
elder, daniel anglesey pleaded guilty at caernarfon crown court and was sent to prison for two years and eight months.
cha ching
Hopefully, this will be the wakeup & get out call for this family.
Article - Wales - Daily Post: 'Sly' Anglesey Jehovah's Witness preacher jailed for sex with a child
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/sly-anglesey-jehovahs-witness-preacher-12361109.
dec. 22, 2016 by derek bellis.
elder, daniel anglesey pleaded guilty at caernarfon crown court and was sent to prison for two years and eight months.
cha ching
Scenic Viewer.... Crazy, huh?!
Article - Wales - Daily Post: 'Sly' Anglesey Jehovah's Witness preacher jailed for sex with a child
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/sly-anglesey-jehovahs-witness-preacher-12361109.
dec. 22, 2016 by derek bellis.
elder, daniel anglesey pleaded guilty at caernarfon crown court and was sent to prison for two years and eight months.
cha ching
Good thing this construction worker who reported this to the police wasn't an elder, or he would have to call the legal department first, and Elder Daniel Anglesy would not have been caught in the 'act'.
There would not have been 'two witnesses' and all the evidence would have been lost!
It is refreshing to see that this sexual abuse of a 14 year old minor was treated as a crime rather than a sin.
Unfortunately, the official policy of JWs does not require the reporting of sexual abuse, only if it is a law... Listen to Geoffrey Jackson's testimony for ARC.
Notice at the end of this article how the "spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses" jumps on the bandwagon and described this act...... as a CRIME! He gives the lame compensation that "Arthington was sacked as an elder soon after his arrest." (even if he was sacked, if he was not reported to the police, this man, Dan Anglesy, would be free to molest children who are not JWs)
He said: “We would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family of the girl. We abhor any child abuse...... He added: “The elders are there to protect the welfare of the congregation. And I would like to repeat we detest this disgusting crime.”In Australia, 1006 "alleged" "disgusting crimes" of child sex abuse in JW-ville were not reported.
Thank "God" that a worldly construction worker had a conscience and compassion.
Fading or Disassociating
by Saethydd inhello, i'm new here.. i'm a college student who has been raised in the "truth" for my entire life.
i was baptized at 10 years old, and looking back now i know i didn't fully grasp everything involved, for one thing i don't even recall ever going to jehovah in a special prayer to dedicate myself to him, but anyway that's the past and my focus is really on the present.
i'm currently pursuing an associates degree, but i find myself desiring to pursue a bachelors in my chosen field so that i may have a somewhat more secure future.
cha ching
If you can, try just "playing the game" until you can:
1. Finish your BA degree...
2. Afford to be on your own
3. Have friends/ support network of your own
4. Investigate this organization and find out what it really is... As in "The Wizard of Oz".... look behind the curtain, and the 'power' this org has just fades away...
Do not marry a JW girl, problems will just multiply. (Like so many people, they marry a 'fader' or a DF'd person, they are both "out of the truth" and then, because of peer pressure, family, or whatever else.... they decide to go back...)
PS, when going in FS, just go 15 minutes, volunteer to be 'the odd one out when there are not enough for "partners" ... pretend you are 'talking to someone' (maybe talk about their landscaping? the neighborhood? their dog?) and then? write whatever hours you like on your field service report!!! Yay! Let them think you are doing just fine!
Best wishess!
cha ching!
Jeremiah 10:23 - "...It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step."
by HereIgo ini have been accused recently of "trying to direct my own step" because of my questioning the org and refusing to come back to the "truth" for the past 6 years.
i personally still believe in god, i just doubt that he is behind the jw org, that's all.
why is that so hard for jw's to understand?
cha ching
(John 20:24-25) 24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, who was called The Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 Consequently the other disciples would say to him: “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them: “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, I will certainly not believe.”
Use this scripture ... Thomas saw miracles, saw Lazarus resurrected, but when it came down to Jesus being alive, he had to have proof. He had to stick his finger into the print of the nails, and stick his hand inside Jesus' body's wounds...Here you have one of the apostles questioning, denying the other apostles. He didn't 'believe'....
And he wasn't DF'd. How many of us have seen miracles?
Then tell them, "Just think of me as Thomas"
If you think the JWs have got some crazy shit scandals going on then watch this
by joe134cd inhttps://youtu.be/oj1vnwiqcny.
cha ching
From what this historian said, it seems like "persecution" is the key to "validation."
"We were persecuted, therefore we must be the true religion."
Do you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization today?
by Iamallcool inany elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
cha ching
Vidiot! haha!!! I am soooo tempted! With all the "valuable" training we received in the "Ministry School"... I am a pretty good actress.
One time, when we were working on a quick build, the Bethel people were way above us "working class, rank and file" (1st time I ever heard 'publishers' called 'rank and file'... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr) and they would not feed our branch of construction UNLESS we came to the cafeteria.
We couldn't, we had poured the concrete, we had to eat and work. They made me (a sister, advocating worker's rights) go count them before they would give me trays to take (can you imagine!) My blood was boiling....
The next day, I was asked by a regular "rank and file" (instructed by the Bethel class) "Are you sure that this is the correct number?" I feigned shock, dismay, and trembled, "You, you.... are not calling me a liar, are you sister?"
Got her! She got herself in line, apologized, and went off to get the food as quickly as possible!
You Have Been Looking Forward to This for a Long TIme - October 2nd 1914
by steve2 inpicture yourself as a member of the brooklyn bethel family on friday morning, october 2, 1914. you are seated at your usual place at the breakfast table, awaiting the arrival of brother c. t. russell.
suddenly the door to the dining room opens and brother russell appears.
he pauses for a moment, as is his custom, and greets the bethel family with a cheery “good morning, all.” but then, instead of immediately taking his place at the head of the table, he claps his hands and makes a thrilling announcement: “the gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day!” you can hardly contain your joy—you have been looking forward to this moment for a long time!
cha ching
Very good, Steve2, this is a valuable summary, i am sure i will use, and very well written, thank you.
You know, as I was reading the 2011 WT about "When did Jerusalem fall, 607 vs 587" & did all this research about "generations" & 'how long is one according to the Bible, and added all the years & people of Matthew, Luke & anyone else in Jesus family listings, then divided then and came up with "40 years is what they average"......
Well, when I figured out that "apparently" 607 was a lie, and knew they would have to change "generation", I thought... "How could they? "
I then came across the verse about Noah... "preaching(?) for 120 years, and thought "they are going to add 120 to 1914, and make it seem like 2034 is "evidentally" logical.
& here we are.....
Why isnt the overlapping generation( interpretation), consistently applied to these scriptures.?
by smiddy inwhy does the wt interpret matt.24:34 "truly i say to you this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
" as having overlapping generations ?
and not applying the same reasoning to any other scripture/s referring to a generation or this generation .?
cha ching
Matt.24:34 "Truly I say to you these overlapping generations will by no means pass away until all these things occur."
Stan livedeath: LOVE it!
Putting the scripture that way just says it all!
JWs would object to changing it, but ...... that is what has been done!